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Hey y'all, I bet you wanna know what's up with this....

Hey all my studly peeps!

I'm starting another fun list here, so here goes!

~Go to the electronics department and tune all the stereos to a polka station. Then turn the stereos off and turn the volume ALL THE WAY UP!
~Set up a tent in the outdoors section and tell people they can only join your party if they bring pillows from bed and bath.
~Start a war between the Barbie dolls and the Bratz dolls.
~Take bets on the above battle.
~Pick up a gun in the hunting department and pretend to be looking at it. Then start twitching and ask where the pharmacy is.
~Start a game of football, using the whole store as a playing field.
~Walk up to a new employee and say, "I think we have a code 10 in housewares." Sit back and watch the fun!
~Walk up to a new employee and ask for a completely bogus product, such as sploosh.  The look on their face is priceless!
~Set all the alarm clocks to go off in ten minute intervals throughout the day.
~Set up a lawn chair in the magazine aisle.  Explain that you don't get out much.
~Get a hold of as much toilet paper as you can.  Proceed to TP the store.
~Redress the manniquins as you see fit!
~Follow someone all the way through a department.  Proceed to follow them until they leave the department, then find someone else to follow!
~Put M&M's on layaway!
~Play with the electronic doors.
~Attempt to fit in very large gym bags.
~Attempt to fit others in very large gym bags.
~Two words: Marco Polo!
~Re-alphabetize the CD's in electronics.
~Leave carts full of stuff in strategic places.
~When a person leaves their cart unattended, take something out and see how long it takes them to notice!
~When someone comes over the loudspeaker, crouch in fetal position and yell, "When will you leave me the hell alone?"
~Pay of layaways fifty cents at a time.
~Put the wet floor signs in carpeted areas.
~Follow people around in the jewelry section then say really loud, "Who actually buys this junk?"
~Walk up to some random person and start a conversation with them.  See if they play along to avoid looking like a goof.
~Hang up all the posters they have.
~Unfold all the t-shirts
~Reorganize the sizes of the clothes.
~Pretend to be a mannequin and proceed to scare people.

Hey, think of fun stuff to add to this list!

Megan's Thought Corner

Okay, this is gonna be big, right Amber? 

Megan's Useful Thought of the Day is....
Don't ever let your ass get to be a hands all over zone.  You let one guy slap you on the ass, other guys will start slapping there too.  Then pretty soon after that, they'll be grabbing your ass, and that's not all that fun!  Let me tell you that from experience!  Not all that fun!  But then maybe grabbing will lead into kissing, and therefore bring new meaning to the statement, "KISS MY ASS!!!"  That would be fun, right Justin???  You wanna grab my ass now, you stupid little freshman??


Commentary for the pic! This is my backyard at sunset, hope you like it!