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Hey sweetie! How are you??  You are such a sweetie, and I'm glad that I met you.  You bring some fun to my boring life...wait, my life isn't boring!  Hehehe, you bring more into my life than any other person does. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy, like I will always have a reason to smile!  And I do whenever I talk to you! All we have to do is get rid of the fur...hehehe, I still love you for who you are!

  You can make a site like mine too!

Go to, and the rest is easy, I promise!

 Yea, I know, I'm a total geek!

Like I said, I like cartoon dollz, so maybe i should just dedicate this page to cartoon dollz that I found on the net!

This cool globe I found, I really liked it!

  like I said, I'm addicted to cartoon dollz!

This is the guardian angel, she will protect over you all!


Sorry guys, I just thought these were so cool! I got them courtesy of



This is kinda how I feel right now!